Loss a Baby Due to Urinary Tract Infection

A UTI during pregnancy is no cause for alarm – unless it'south left untreated. If you experience symptoms, tell your doctor right abroad. Drinking plenty of h2o during pregnancy can help prevent UTIs.

As y'all adjust to new changes in your trunk during pregnancy, it can be easy to overlook symptoms of everyday health weather, such as urinary tract infections (UTIs). UTIs are equally mutual in significant and non-pregnant patients and usually require medication to articulate the infection.

But if left untreated during pregnancy, a UTI can progress to s serious infection that tin can lead to preterm labor, premature delivery, or even fetal loss.

UTIs occur when bacteria enter and grow in the urinary tract. During pregnancy, your float – which is in the lower part of your urinary tract – is less likely to empty entirely when you urinate, thanks to pressure from your expanding uterus and an increment in hormones that relax the muscles in your uterus. The longer urine stays in your body, the college the chances that you'll grow besides much bacteria.

We spotter for three types of UTIs during pregnancy:

  • Asymptomatic: Approximately 7% of pregnant women may accept a UTI that doesn't crusade symptoms. An untreated asymptomatic infection has a 25% take a chance of advancing to the next level of UTI – your float and so your kidney.
  • Cystitis: Localized to the float, this infection volition crusade symptoms typically associated with UTIs, such equally frequent but small amounts of urine, painful urination, and potent urges to urinate immediately.
  • Pyelonephritis: This kidney infection can lead to serious issues such equally septic shock, anemia, backlog lung fluid, and pre-term labor. It typically includes the symptoms of cystitis, plus nausea, fever, chills, and hurting in your lower back and sides.

Because UTIs are prevalent during pregnancy, we request a urine sample to deport a culture exam as role of your prenatal intendance. The test looks for specific types of leaner in your urine that tin cause an infection.

We volition probable test your urine multiple times throughout your pregnancy. Merely don't presume we're looking for a UTI every time; this is a common misconception. It'south important to talk with your doctor if you feel UTI symptoms to brand certain you get the right test. The before we diagnose a UTI, the sooner we can treat you lot and forestall a more unsafe status.

UTI handling: What to wait

UTI treatments during pregnancy are safety and easy, normally involving a short class (3-vii days) of oral antibiotics. There are two exceptions:

  • If you go along to have UTIs after nosotros treat the get-go one, nosotros may recommend suppressive therapy. You will take a lower dose of antibiotics every twenty-four hours of your pregnancy instead of larger doses for merely a few days.
  • If you accept pyelonephritis (kidney infection), you will demand to receive antibiotics through an IV at a hospital.

For most patients, receiving antibiotic treatment is much safer than risking a kidney infection. Nosotros will discuss all your health conditions and pregnancy symptoms to determine the best type of antibiotic for you, depending on what will piece of work finer against the bacteria in your urine.

Not all urine tests are the same

In the 3rd trimester, nosotros'll likely test your urine for the presence of protein or glucose, which can indicate loftier blood pressure or gestational diabetes. Around this time, nosotros besides test urine for sexually transmittable diseases such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, which can exist transferred to your infant.

Neither of these tests will tell united states whether you have a UTI. If you're experiencing UTI symptoms, please tell the states so we tin can perform the appropriate test and begin handling.

What increases or reduces risk of UTIs during pregnancy?

Women who have or behave the trait for sickle jail cell disease are at increased hazard for UTIs. Nosotros test these patients monthly to ensure we notice an infection every bit soon as possible.

If you accept diabetes, y'all're too at a college risk. Nosotros might not test you as oftentimes, but we will consistently wait for symptoms. Both conditions make information technology harder for the torso to fight infections.

Simply equally when y'all're non significant, you tin take specific actions to lower your chances of getting a UTI, such as:

  • Wiping front to back in the bathroom
  • Urinating before and after sexual activity
  • Wearing cotton wool underwear
  • Avoiding tight and wet clothing
  • Drinking more water

Ready for possible postpartum UTIs

In some cases, the risks of developing a UTI increase after you give nascency.

Patients who have a C-section or receive an epidural during labor have a catheter inserted into their bladder. This ensures a safer delivery by keeping your bladder empty. Only a catheter increases your risk of infection the longer information technology stays in your body, and its placement provides the perfect runway for bacteria to enter your bladder.

To decrease your UTI adventure, our goal is to remove your catheter no more than six to 8 hours later surgery and fifty-fifty sooner afterward an epidural. An infection can accept days to appear, so watch for symptoms after you leave the hospital and tell your doctor right abroad if you experience them. We don't perform routine UTI tests after delivery, so it's important to warning united states to abnormal pain or discomfort.

Related reading: Tips to forestall involuntary urine leakage (incontinence) during and after pregnancy

With so many new tasks to complete and emotions to experience later bringing your newborn home, information technology can feel overwhelming to proceed track of one more than thing – just your health remains a priority afterwards the birth of your baby. The more you tell u.s. about how you feel, the more we can do to aid you stay good for you.

To visit with an Ob/Gyn, call 214-645-8300 or asking an appointment online.


Source: https://utswmed.org/medblog/utis-during-pregnancy/

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