What Clan Does the Torrence Family Belong to
THE TORRENCE Family unit has several varying traditions as to its origin. These take been handed down, past the different branches, from generation to generation, and no effort has been made to go beyond them.
In families of the various surname spellings, Torrence-Torrance Torrens, the following traditions have been found:
- Our ancestors were pure Scotch.
- We are of Scotch-Irish descent.
- The Torrences, Torrances, and Torrenses were Huguenots and lived in France prior to the Religious Wars, when they were expelled on account of their religious convictions. Some went to Scotland, others to Australia, Spain, and Italy.
- The ancestor of the Torrens, who settled in Ireland in the 17th Century, was a Swedish officer who had served in the regular army of William Iii.
- Torrence comes from a citizen of Torigny in Manche.
- Tourys-Odo de Turin had large possessions in Warwickshire in the reign of Henry I, at Thoresby. The name Torre is yet extant in Yorkshire.
- The proper name is of Spanish origin and was spelled Torranzo.
It is quite possible that the above traditions apply correctly to those challenge them for their particular lines.
For example, the Huguenot tradition may well refer to those expelled from France later on about 1535. The word Huguenot was coined, so to speak, by a monk and fastened past him to the Protestants at Tours, France, who assembled by night, near the gate of King Hugo, whom the people regarded every bit a spirit. The proper name became quite popular from 1550 onward. Note 1-1
The proper name Torrance was well known prior to the time of Robert Bruce, 1274-1829, which date was very much before than the existence of the discussion Huguenot.1
Since the earliest mention of the proper name Torrence is found in Scotland, this country offered the logical place to brand investigations. Beyond these Scottish references, naught tin can be determined every bit to the origin of the Torrences, since data concerning races prior to the Scots is uncertain and obscure. "Surely there is no such thing equally a European people of pure unmixed blood."Note 2-1
In Thomas Westward. H. Fitzgerald's Ireland and her People, pages 52 and 53:
The Picts were the ancient inhabitants of Scotland and Scots was the name past which the Irish were generally known from the 3rd to the 12th century, during which Ireland was commonly called Scotia, and its people Scoti or Scots. These names were in time transformed to what is now known equally Scotland, or the state of the Scots.From these Irish Dalriadians, through the Scottish kings, the firm of Stewart, the nowadays royal family of England, is descended.
In the development of Scotland, the southeast portion gradually extended to comprise Fife, while the southwest embraced Sterlingshire, Lanarkshire, Ayrshire and beyond. These sections learned to adopt the ideas of western Europe. The southern were English and beyond. The northern were comprised in Pictland. The western was the realm of the Dalriadic kings, Scots from Ireland. Gaelic was the language spoken.
Roughly speaking, the above outlines the relative divisions of the state which arose as results of the obscure wars of the fifth, 6th, and seventh centuries.
The question of religion, has, from the primeval known dates, played an important part in the destinies of these people. Protestantism, Presbyterianism, and Patriotism found a boxing-basis here. Note 2-2
Prom the expiry of David in 1153, to that of Alexander III in 1286, Scotland was comparatively peaceful and prosperous. Following this menstruum, wars in England, feuds of the nobles, clashes equally to sovereign rights of succession, and intrigues kept the population away from productive pursuits and resulted in the devastation of their homes and institutions.2
Robert i, "The Bruce", Notation 3-1 King of Scotland, lived during these stormy periods. Whereas he had English and Scottish estates and was a friend of Edward I, Rex of England, his patriotic feelings for Scotland and its ultimate independence led him to make a decision as to which grade to follow. His father died in 1304. It was about this time that Bruce made an alliance with William Lambroton, which bound them together in all of their future activities and resulted in liberty for Scotland, also as, for Bruce, a crown.
King Edward I, of England, soon became aware of the intentions of Robert Bruce and instituted a biting warfare against him.
Bruce collected his adherents in the southwest, passed from Lochmaben to Glasgow and thence to Scone, where he was crowned King of Scotland on March 27, 1306. Two days later, Isabella, Countess of Buchan, repeated the anniversary.
Though a king, Bruce had not yet a kingdom, and his efforts to obtain information technology were a disastrous failure until after the death of Edward I. Bruce and his followers met with one defeat after another. In June 1306, he suffered a defeat at Methven, and on Baronial 11th he was taken past surprise at Stratfillan, where he had sought refuge. Whereas he managed to escape, three of his brothers were executed, and the ladies of his family were captured and sent to Kildrummy.
With but a few followers, he decided to flee to the Island of Rathlin, which lies between the extreme southwest peninsula of Scotland, Mull of Kintyre, and the northeast declension of Ireland. While wandering downwards this peninsula, they had most given themselves up every bit lost when a fishing-boat was sighted. They hailed the boatmen, and asked if they might be taken across to the Island of Rathlin. This having been agreed to, the task was begun. While rowing beyond, the boatmen, unmindful of the storm, sang Gaelic songs. Bruce appeared to be much impressed with this, and asked their names, which they gave, as Torrance, and told him where they came from. Bruce did not reveal his own identity.
When Edward II became king of England he continued the active warfare confronting Robert Bruce and his followers. On Monday, June 24, 1314, the memorable Battle of Bannockburn was fought. Bruce and his followers were completely successful. The independence of Scotland was established, and with this came a kingdom for Robert Bruce.
Some time afterward Bruce had established himself, he sent for the Torrences who had formerly come up to his rescue. Out of gratitude, he 3 fabricated them a large grant of state in Lanark, and gave them the right to use the crest, "Two laurel branches in saltire," with the inscription, "I saved the Rex." Laurel branches, which are given to poets and singers, were doubtless selected by Bruce considering of their having sung Gaelic songs, and the motto, because he felt that they had saved his life.
Some other account of this episode is constitute in a volume bearing the championship, Anecdotes of Heraldry, compiled by C. N. Elvin, 1000.A., Honorary Member of the Guild of Antiquities, New Castle-upon-Tyne, published in 1864, by Bell and Daldy, 186 Fleet Street, London. A re-create of this work will be plant in the New York Public Library, where Photostats of the arms and page references were made, and will be inserted here.
In the reproduced pages information technology will be seen that, in the year 1864, the spelling of the name was Torrance, whereas, it will be noted that in references of earlier dates, the spelling was Torrence.
The crest, "Two laurel branches in saltire, vert," appears in Shush's General Arsenal of Corking Uk, as well as in Fairbairn's several publications.
The episode of the Torrences saving the life of King Robert Bruce is mentioned non only because it has been recorded a number of times in Scottish histories, merely also for its dramatic nature, and its consequence in the gift, to the Torrences, of the estate in Lanarkshire, by the King, through gratitude.
From a letter from a Robert Torrance, who lived in Dublin, the following excerpt is quoted:
In my research work, I have compared notes with the late Sir Andrew Yard. Torrance of London, who, when a member of the Corporation of London, was presented with an illuminated address by the members. The crest was shown thereon and was duly verified by the Herald Office in Edinburgh. The late Canon Torrance, of St. Canie Cathedral (Protestant), Kilkenny, as well gave me the same exact version.
Signed - Robert Torrance
5 Ballygihen Artery
Sandycove County, Dublin.
12 March 1915
Some other interesting happening to Robert Bruce during his wanderings with a handful of. followers was when he was passing through what is known equally The Lorne Country, in Argyleshire. Here, John of Lorne and his association of MacDougalls, ran across Bruce and his men. In a paw-to-hand fight, John snatched at Bruce's cloak which was fastened with a 4 rude metallic brooch. Bruce managed to escape, but the brooch was pulled off and taken by John of Lorne. It is now held as a treasured heirloom in the mansion of the Macdougalls at Donnelley Castle near Ban. A motion-picture show of it is found in Lanarkshire, past Frederick Mod, M.A., Cambridge Press, page 49, F 128, inscribed, "Belonging to the MacDougalls of Dunollie; worn by Robert, the Bruce, in the boxing of Dal-Righ, 1306, when he fought with the Lord of Lorne."
To show celebrated reasons for causes that led to the Torrences and others moving from one place to some other, during the long war-torn years, boosted mention will be made of events which took place in Scotland.
From the time of James 2 (1437), Scotland was the scene of bitter struggles and wars which laid waste matter the land, wrecked the estates, and killed off the population. From that time until James came to the throne of England, the story of Scotland was one of a series of revolutions and intrigues that led to the wars between Kirk and State.
A scheme for the consummate union of England and Scotland was promoted by James in 1604-6. The program was totally unwelcome to the Scotch because of its favoured provisions regarding the rights of English language-born Scotch. Between 1557 and 1581 an organization, known as "Covenanters", had been formed past certain Scotch, who bound themselves together to maintain the Presbyterian doctrine as the religion of the land.
When Charles II was firmly seated on the throne of England, he denounced the Covenants. A catamenia of persecution of the Covenanters followed, in which they were treated with peachy barbarity. Many were banished.
In 1648, England had implored the help of Scotland. Every bit the result of the negotiations, "The Solemn League and Covenant" was fatigued upwardly. This amounted to the preservation of the Presbyterian form of religious organized religion in Scotland, England, and Ireland. The Covenants had been the dominating party in Scotland.
England was having continual troubles with Scotland, and peculiarly with Ireland. She fabricated repeated efforts to secure the aid of one to fight the other. One of the most notable schemes, for her ultimate expert, was the Plantation of Ulster experiment, which attracted many Scotch colonists to Ireland. In 1607, the earls of Tyrconnell and Tyrone were forced to abscond from the country embraced by Tyrone, Donegal, Armagh, Fermanagh, Cavan, and Coleraine in Ireland. Their lands were 5 declared forfeited to England. Surveys were fabricated, and the land divided into three sections. 1 block was set aside for the English and Scotch settlers, who were not immune to have any Irish gaelic tenants. One block was allotted to servitors, who might accept either English or Irish tenants, and the third was reserved for the Irish gaelic.
The state was divided into grand, 1500 and 2000 acre tracts. Each colonist undertook, in return for the land, to build a castle or walled enclosure, and maintain a defensive fighting forcefulness. They were required to take oath of supremacy to James and were given two years to build. No taxes were to exist assessed during the building period. Sir Arthur Chichester was fabricated the Irish Lord Deputy. This scheme did not work successfully, but created bitter feeling on the part of the Irish, which led up to "The Massacre of 1641."
Past keeping these historic events in mind while reading the changing locations of the Torrences, the reasons for the changes will become clear. Large numbers of people were besides influenced to move from place to place, simply the Torrences just will be mentioned.
The Torrence family was in Lanark, Scotland, at a very early date, and since this is their primeval known habitation, it is of interest to present a digest of its history.
The History of Rutherglen and East Kilbride by the Rev. David Ure, printed by David Niven, Glasgow, Scotland in 1793, gives the following on pages 141 and 163:
The Canton of Lanark is divided into upper, centre, and lower wards. In the 2d of these divisions is situated the Parish of Kilbride. The proper noun is compounded of "kill," a Gaelic word for church or burying identify, and "bride", or Bridget, the flame of a saint profoundly famed in Romish Legends. The Parish of Torrance was annexed in 1589.The old Kirk of Torrance, which stood about a half mile from the mansion house, was left to autumn into ruins afterwards the Parish was united to Kilbride. Nothing is left to distinguish the burial-place at the old Kirk of Torrance save a few fragments of human being bones that are occasionally disturbed when the footing is laboured.
The Statistical History of Scotland, book 6, contains an account of Kilbride, canton Lanark, which states that the charter was given by Pope Alexander III in 1159, and was confirmed by two succeeding popes in the same century.
Samuel Lewis'south Topographical Lexicon of Scotland, published in 1646, book 11, pages 22 and 23, says: 6
Kilbride East, a Parish in the middle of Lanark, 8 miles from Glasgow, includes the Parish of Torrance. It is of great artifact and once formed a part of the Come across of Glasgow, to which the original grant was confirmed by a bull of Pope Alexander III, in 1178,
The following selections are from Kilbride Parish records dating from 1613, as entered past William Hamilton, Laird of Wishaw, a descendant of the Ducal house of Hamilton. His father was John Hamilton of Udston, an early on branch of the family. These records will be found in Descriptions of the Sheriffdoms of Lanark and Renfrew, page eleven.
Kilbride is a not bad parish lying betwixt the parishes of Avendale to the southeast, Blantyre [and) Cambutlang to the n. This baronie and Paroch was given by King Robert Bruce every bit Ane part of the marriage portion to his girl Marjorie, to Walter, the Great Steward of Scotland and Heth been ever reconed since as a office of the principality and the several families therein are said to be old. This neat parish [anciently as well] was called Kilbryde and Torrence, but long since into one-at present called Kilbryde.The business firm and Mainer was lately acquired by the Laird of Torrence, Stewart a son of Castlemilk'south. Torrence was long the seat of a family of this same name of Hamilton, is a skilful firm well planted enclosures. Robert Hamilton of Torrence; . . at the time of his demise . . . deceist in month Dec 1658.
This Robert Hamilton mentioned in October, 1613, in 1649 and 1658, seems likely to have been the one who congenital the present Torrance House in 1605. It will be noticed that in the parish records made by William Hamilton in 1613, he, beingness of an before generation than Robert, spelled the name Torrence.
In the list of subscribers for David Ure's volume, published in 1793, there is institute the proper name Hugh Torrance, a surgeon of Kilmarnock, Ayr, Scotland, which adjoins Renfrew and Dumbarton.
To show that in the aforementioned vicinity just one hundred and x years before, the name was spelled Torrence the following verses, found in Charles A. Hanna 'due south The Scotch-Irish in America, pages 269-70, are repeated:
Upon a stone at Kilmarnock, lying upon the corpse of John Nisbit, who suffered there on 14 April 1683 -
Come up, reader, encounter, hither pleasant Nisbit lies,
His claret doth pierce the high and lofty skies;
Kilmarnock did his latter hour perceive,
and Christ his soul to heaven did receive
Yet bloody Torrence did his body enhance.
and buried it unto an other place;
saying, "Shall rebels lie in graves with me?
We'll bury him where evil-doers be."
Today the statement is ofttimes made that farm workers are scarce, and their wages so high that farm owners cannot have care of their crops; that the cause is due to the accelerate made in manufacturing, machinery, and increased efficiency. To bear witness this condition and conclusion is goose egg new, the following from David Ure is given: "Country servants, owing to the rapid progress of Manufacturing, are very scarce. Their wages are exceptionally loftier. A man servant receives besides bed, lath, and washing, 5 pounds per half year. A woman retainer, from 40 to 50 shillings. A labourer, when hired past the year, receives 15 pounds, 12 shillings. A single day's wages, if he be not hired by the twelvemonth, is at the rate of one shilling 3 pence."
The Scottish Tape Society Publications, volumes 5-vii, besides spell the surname with an e:
John Torrence, of Parish of Kilmamock, Ayr, 1 Dec 1670, in quoting his testament.
John Torrence, spouse Agnes Picken, in Tounhead, Parish of Kilmarnock, Ayr, testament, 12 May 1680 (Testament).
John Torrence, Parish of Kilmarnock, 17 May 1682. (Testament.)
Many quotations conduce to monotony but are particularly needful in compilations of this nature, hence the readers' kindly tolerance is bespoken in advance of the crime.
Amongst the very early on names of Torrences, that of Mungo appears in a volition of 1593, in Scotland, and in Ireland in 1630/42. Samuel Lewis'south Topographicat Dictionary of Scotland, page 293, is authority for the following:
St. Mungo, a Parish in the County of Dumfries, was originally called AberMilk, an former British term from Aber, signifying a confluence of waters, the rivers: Milk & Anna. In the 12th Century, the Bruces, having built a castle on the waters of the Milk, the name of the place was inverse to Castlemilk. The lands in ancient times belonged to the See of Glasgow and the Parish is mentioned in the year 1170 by Pope Alexander. Under the new name information technology was mentioned in 1290 by William de Gosford, the Parson of Castlemilk, who swore fealty, at Berwick, to Rex Edward I. The church was defended to St. Mungo, founder of the See of Glasgow. Robert de Bruce, the second lord of Annandale,8 granted the church building, as a mensal church, to the See of Glasgow near the yr 1250. The castle came from the Bruces to the Stewarts, by Walter, high steward of Scotland, through his marrying the daughter of Male monarch Robert Bruce, and thus information technology descended to Robert, also high steward of Scotland, their son, the offset of the Stewarts who came to the crown.
It tin scarcely be considered pure coincidence that, considering of this clan betwixt Robert Bruce and St. Mungo Parish, some one of the Torrences, who had received lands from Robert Bruce, would name his son Mungo. Also the name Robert has been used by the Torrences from fourth dimension immemorial. The will of John Torrence, of Brounhill, Annotation ix-1 Barony of Avondale, Sheriffdom of Lanarkshire, executed in October, 1593, mentions his son Mungo.
Considering of the mention of the names of Castlemilk, Torrence and Stewart at dates 1622 and 1669, another quotation volition be given from The Baronage of Scotland past Sir Robert Douglas, of Bart, book 1, folio 517:
Sir Archibald Stewart of Castlemilk, the 12th generation of that ancient family from Sir John Stewart of Bonhill, son of Alexander, sixth lord high Steward of Scotland, was the firsthand ancestor of this family of Torrence. He married Anne, daughter of Robert, fourth lord Semple, by Lady Margaret Montgomery, his wife, daughter of Hugh, earl of Eglington, and died anno 1622. He left two sons:First - Sir Archibald, his successor, who carried on the line of the House of Castlemilk and in the preceding championship.
2nd - James, get-go of the family unit of Torrence. James Stewart of Torrence lived in the Reigns of King Charles I and II, and was a man of swell prudence and ability. Held in high esteem, he acquired several lands in the county of Lanark. Amid others, the land and Barony of Torrence, which became the championship of his family unit. There is a charter in the Public Archives, under the great seal . . . Jacabo Stewart de Torrence, terrarum de Headhouse, Murray etc., in Lanarkshire, dated the concluding day of July 1669. This James of Torrence married a daughter of Sir Alexander Cunninghame of Carsehill, in the County of Air....
The spellings of the various forms of Torrence have been establish to be: Tor, Torr, Torre, Torrene, Torrence, Torrens, Torrance, Terrenee, Terence, Terrance, Torrans, Torans, Torens, Tornce, Terran and Torrenys.
All of which are derived from Tor, a name given to a mound or hillock situated in Lanarkshire, cradle of the people now using these names. 9
The earliest known written allusion to the name in England is in a grant of King Aethelwulf, Rex of W Saxons, in 847 A. D., in which the spelling is Torr. Then, Boethius, in k A. D., adds an "e" and spells information technology Torre. During the time of Robert Bruce, 1274-1329, it became Torrence.
The post-obit orders in Latin were issued by the Bishop of Glasgow in reference to Torrence in 1417 A. D., under Pope Martin Five, elected to the Papal Chair 27 November, 1417:
Institutio Perpetui Vicarii Pensionarii in Ecclesia de Kilbryde. Ad perpetuam rei memoriam.Universis Sancte matris ecclesie filiis, Willielmus permissione divina Episcopus Glasguensis, salutem in Domino sempiternam: Noverit universitas vestra . . . cum feno decimati locorurn infra scriptorum, viz. de le Parke, de Murrays, de Torrens, de Lagetland, de Coirglas, de Claudans, etc. . . . Data in ecclesia nostra predicta Glasguensi xxviimo dice mensis Marcii anno Domini millesimo MCCCCXVIImo. (1417.)
Institution of the Perpetual Vicar, established by alimony, in the Church of Kilbride. For a perpetual record of the fact.
To all the sons of Holy Mother Church building, William, by divine favor, Bishop of Glasgow, eternal greeting in the Lord: Your whole customs shall know with tithe of the places mentioned below, to wit, Parke, Murray, Torrens, Lagetland, Coirgias, Claudans, etc.
Given in our Church, aforesaid, of Glasgow, on the 27th day of March in the year of our Lord 1417.
The Latin quotation will be found in The Descriptions of Lanark & Renfrew, page 206. The translation has been added for the benefit of those unfamiliar with the original. The spelling of the name as Torrens appears to accept been the nearest they could come to the sound in Latin. Had the name been Torrenkay, in pronunciation, it would have been spelled every bit Torrence. Had the name been pronounced Torrance, they would take spelled it Torrans.
Simply what was the almost ancient surname in Kilbride, canton Lanark, Scotland, cannot be stated. In the list of names printed in Dr. Ure'southward book, pages 174 and 175, the Hamiltons, Youngs, and Watsons predominate in numbers, just the nearly conspicuous appear to have been the Lairds of Torrence, from whom descended the Hamiltons of Westburne, Ladyland, Atkenhead, Daichmont, Woodhall, and others.
In as much as it was the custom for the eldest male line to inherit the family estates, it is probable that through wars taking a heavy toll of the lives of the fighting men, the male line of the above-mentioned 10 branch of the Torrence family came to an terminate. It remained to the women of the family to carry on. Amidst the testaments that volition soon be listed, it will be found that members of the Torrence family connected to inter-marry with members of the Hamiltoune family.
From time immemorial the estate of Torrance belonged to an aboriginal family, which derived its name from territorial possessions. At length, the final Torrance of that ilk died without male heirs; and his girl, and heiress, carried the manor to a co-operative of the ducal family of Hamilton. John Hamilton, fourth, had a younger son Thomas Hamilton of Dargakr who married the girl of Douglas of Lochleen, ancestor of the Earl of Morton, past whom he had 2 sons. One was James, the ancestor of the slap-up and wide-spreading co-operative of Raploch, at present represented by Baron Thomas, who past matrimony with the ancient family of Torrence, of that ilk, became proprietor of this estate and founded the family of Hamilton of Torrence, which connected to possess those lands for 200 years. His descendant in the fifth degree was Matthew Hamilton of Torrence, who by a girl of the ancient family of Muirhead of Lathope (niece to Hamilton of Bothwellbaugh, who assassinated the great Morton), had two sons, James, who carried on the line of Torrance, and Archibald, antecedent to the family of Hamilton of Westbourne which is now the sole representative of the Firm of Torrance. From Hamilton of Westbourne is descended Mr. Hamilton Dunelus of Dudding and, in the female line, Admiral Sir Charles Napier and Mr. Hamilton Grayness of Carntown. The descendants of James Hamilton of Torrance, the elder blood brother of Westbourne, continued for three generations when they became extinct and Westbourne continued the line. Previous to their extinction they had sold the estate of Torrance, about the center of the 17th Century.The estate of Torrance, which had continued in a directly line, first of the Torrances, and secondly of their representatives, the Hamiltons, was purchased by the scion of a race no less aboriginal nor noble, James Stewart, a younger son of Sir Archibald. James was the ancestor of Andrew Stewart of Torrance, guardian to James George, 7th Duke of Douglas, eighth Duke of Hamilton. The holding is now in possession of Miss Stewart. The youngest daughter, Charlotte, in 1830, married Sir John Harrington in the County of Rutland, past whom she had a son and daughter.Note 43-i
The post-obit items from the Scottish Tape Order Publications, Volumes 5-seven are pertinent:
- Protocol No.588-589: "Musical instrument narrating Alexander Chiliad'Cadam, son and heir of Donald of Ayr, 25 August 1522. Witness, John Torrence in Church of Dalmellingtown." (Protocol of Gavin Ros.)
- Under Commissariat of Hamiltoune and Campsie: "Allan Torrence, at Carmdese in parish of Kilbryde, 17 July 1564." An extract from this testament will be given later.
- Ibid.:"John Torrence at Clokquharne in Parish of Kilbryde, 17 July, 1574." Nether Edinburgh Annals of Apprentices, page 185 "Robert Torrence with Archibald Torrence, baxter, 13 April 1585."
- Ibid., nether Commissariat of Glasgow: "Jonet Torrence, spouse of William Forbes of Netherfield, eighteen September 1606."
- Ibid., under Commissarat of Hamiltoune and Campsie: "Helen Torrence, spouse of James Syme, at Kirk of Monkland, 19 March 1610."
- Ibid., under Commissariat of Glasgow': "James Torrence, in Selhame, Parish of Evandaill, testament, 6 July 1611."
- "William Torrence of Brownhill, Parish of Evandaill, 1 July 1611."
- "John Torrence in Auldtown, eighteen February 1612."
- "John Torrence in Pewland, Parish of Strathaven, spouse Isabel Hamiltoune, testament, 16 June 1612."
- "Helen Torrence, spouse of Addro Hamiltoune, Parish of Strahaven, testament, 30 August 1615."
Attending is directed to the marriages between the Torrences and the Hamiltons.
- Malie Torrenee, spouse of Robert Broune, of Quarterhouse, 23 November 1615.
- Agnes Torrence of Strarhie, testament, 22 July 1624.
- Andrew Torrence in Pewland, Parish of Evendaill, 31 July 1624.
- Katherine Torrence, spouse of Charles Duncan in Broklain, 24 May 1625.
- Robert Torrence, son of William of Primrosebarns, 8 April 1630.
- Helen Torrence, spouse of umqhile Annotation 12-ane William Young, in Allerstick, Parish of Evendaill, attestation, 25 Jan 1642.
- Andrew Torrence, in Caldermylnne, Parish of Evendaill, attestation, 15 January 1650.
- John Torrence, in Netherfield, Parish of Evendaill, testament, four December 1662.
- Adam Torrence, in Kairne, Parish of Cumnock, spouse Agnes Gemmill, 22 Apr 1671.
- Alexander Torrence, in Ralstoun-colina, Parish of Kilmarnock, spouse, Jonet Gemmill, testament, 26 April 1676.
It is of interest to note hither, that the Torrenees and Gemmells were associated in York County, Pennsylvania, in 1750/70.
Nether Commissariat of Hamilton and Campsie:
- Abraham Torrence, in Cruickitstaine, his spouse Janet Aiken, testament, xviii June 1669. (An extract from this follows.)
- Robert Torrence, in Hairmyers, Parish of Kilbryde, attestation, 22 May 1672. (An extract from this given afterward.)
- Alexander Torrence, in Tounheid, of Hessellheid, Parish of Berth, testament, 24 January 1667.
- Isabel Shaw, spouse of Alexander Torrenee, testament, 29 April 1674.
- Steven Torrence, in Auldtown, his spouse, Agnes Campbell, testament, 11 January 1676.
- Steven Torrence, in Over Newtown, Parish of Lowdown, testament, fourteen May 1697, spouse Agnes Torrence.
Folio Information
Torrence and Allied Families Written by Robert McIlvane Torrence, published 1938
Document URI: http://genealogy.torrens.org/Torrens/books/RMT/rmt01.html
Final modified: Sunday, 29 Dec 2019 13:25:31 GMT
© 2000 - 2022 Richard Torrens.
Source: http://genealogy.torrens.org/Torrens/books/RMT/rmt01.html
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